I like Thanksgiving,

...it's everything Christmas should be.
I'm thankful that Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday each November so there isn't any guessing of what days the boss will give you off of work. A guaranteed four day weekend, none of this 25th of December falling on a Saturday, Sunday or mid-week scheduling crap, eating up your precious vacation days you've squirreled away for that trip you want to take next year. Sorry Canada, this is one holiday I give to the US for getting right.

I'm thankful there isn't the commercialism attached to Thanksgiving. I don't feel obligated to go out and spend hundreds of dollars on material things for others that they already have or didn't ask for. Although the grocery stores are busy with people pushing, shoving and going toe to toe for the last can of cranberry jelly log, I don't have to participate. Our cupboards are stocked, we don't eat a lot and we aren't working in the kitchen all day.

I'm thankful for the weather, although this year we had a brief dusting of snow and ice a bit early, today is looking to be clear and sunny. I may be able to sneak a ride in this afternoon. November is usually much better for weather than the end of December. I hope those who are traveling for Thanksgiving aren't taking this for granted because it's going to be much worse in another month.
I'm thankful for the one, simple holiday greeting "Happy Thanksgiving". There is only one way to say it and what's better than to wish someone a neutral greeting. No one can take offense because of their beliefs, you don't have to make sure to include or you accidentally exclude a certain group when offering a friendly salutation.
I'm thankful for not decorating. No climbing on the roof, precariously hanging over the edge or dragging out and climbing a 40' ladder with wet, slippery snow packed boots to string lights on the house, trees and shrubs in the yard. I'm not untangling 600 feet of twinkling lights only to find that I have to go through seventeen hundred and ninety four lights to find the one bulb that's burned out. No trees were killed in the making of this holiday only to be toss out on the street 3 months later with the trash. And best of all no tinsel, who thought of this little accessory anyway?
I'm thankful for the peace and quiet. Even though some radio stations and department stores insist on playing holiday music 18 weeks early, one can get through Thanksgiving without hearing Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer 42 times a day. The bell ringers have started but you can still avoid those stores and find what you need at another store that has at least held out allowing the incessant ringing until tomorrow.

I rant and joke with tongue in cheek, but in all seriousness, I am very thankful.
I am thankful to have such a loving and caring family.
My wife Brandy,
my Mom and Dad,
my brother Barrett, sister-in-law Lisa and my favorite niece Faith,
my mother-in law Carleta,
my brother-in-law Tiger and sister-in-law Tanisha.

I am thankful for all my friends, readers and fellow bloggers.
I can't forget little Basil kitteh.
I am thankful for my health and to hear how fortunate and healthy my family and friends are and that everyone is doing well.
I wish everyone and your families a Happy Thanksgiving.