I arrived to class Thursday night and recognized Elvira right away, Irondad had pulled forward in a parking spot to allow me to share. There was plenty of parking but this was a great spot at the end of a row with high visibility and just mere steps across the parking lot to class.
Dan is the only man I know where his sticker holds true.I was excited and so looking forward to this particular audit because who better to teach a motorcycle rider course and to learn from than the
legend himself?

Dan is a fantastic instructor and learning from him during my
Advance Rider Training last year inspired me to begin the journey in becoming an instructor. His enthusiasm is certainly contagious and his knowledge vast. It is an honor and privilege to have this opportunity.
Notice the head turn and eyes up.I was busy all weekend taking notes, observing coaching technique and running around helping set cones that the only time I had to snap any photos was when Dan was doing a demo and even then I was following along listening to Kory, the other instructor. I stayed behind the students and discretely took these photos, they are already nervous and don't need to see me taking pictures.

Dan has mentioned in his blog and again on the range how a parking lot becomes your world for the weekend. It truly does. All of our attention is on the students, safety on the range and following the curriculum of the range cards.
The hero walk.When we're not on the range, we're in the classroom. This is where it is easy to fall into the role of the student but I am there to observe the instructor, learn how they facilitate and keep the students focused and engaged.
Dan's enthusiasm in the classroom is just as impressive as it is on the range, even if his artistic ability is not.
Is this an FJR1300?
We all see Irondad as a legend, this tough guy to be feared and tremble in his presence. Dan is just one of those guys, you know, the nicest guy you'll ever meet and although not a great singer, he has a great sense of humor and is a lot of fun to be around.

I met several other instructors this weekend, each one as nice and courteous as the next. There is a mutual respect between the seasoned instructors, the interns, apprentices and even toward a greenhorn like me. Thank you gentlemen, I certainly feel welcome and I am anxious to get started.

Thank you Sir.-
No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude. ~Author Unknown-