With the economic downturn, all of the hardware and big box stores we ship to had postponed bringing in stock because they didn't want to store it nor to have to pay for it right away. We are normally busy shipping grass seed as soon as the Christmas trees are tossed and the garden centers are stocked with patio furniture, fertilizers, grass seed and colorful nursery plants in January and February. We had nary shipped a pallet during the first two months of the year and all the stores waited until the last moment to place orders. March came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. My desk has been buried with orders all month and I briefly saw the top of it yesterday before new orders came in for April. I do consider myself fortunate that I am busy and have a job and I thank all of you out there who are reseeding and over seeding your lawns while on 'stay cation'. You have decided to seed your lawn yourself and that means you are buying your seed from the hardware stores and hopefully considering their house brands.
I've looked up from my keyboard to find that Spring has arrived, everything is starting to bloom and it is time to take care of some over due maintenance on the bike. I finally got the front wheel into the shop to replace the tire and I ordered some new brake pads. I replaced the OEM Metzler Lasertec after 7400 miles with a Kenda Kruz K673F

I have Kendas on my KZ, I never kept track of the mileage but I know I rode several seasons on them and I am hoping for the same longevity from this one. I will replace the rear with a Kenda as well but the OEM Metzler will hold up for another couple thousand miles before needing replacement. I hope it'll get me through to next winter.
I've got an extra oil filter in the garage and I'll need to pick up a few quarts of synthetic. I'll have to get her down to the shop for a once over and some fine tuning, but I think I can get in some riding before the lawn mower and garden tools start calling to me.
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