Sunday, June 28, 2009

Allergy season is almost over...

Linn County is known as the "Grass Seed Capital of the World". That is a lot of grass which produces a lot of seed and for the last 2 months has produced a lot of pollen. Fortunately, I don't have allergies but I do empathize with Trobairitz and her allergies. From mid May to the end of June we do our best to make most of our motorcycle rides over to the coast where the air is much kinder to those with allergies. Coming home however creates some less than pleasant in helmet....well, I don't need to explain.

I work in the grass seed industry as a logistics coordinator and I talk to many a truck driver from all over the US and Canada. I have been asked more than once what grass looks like when it goes to seed. I can tell these drivers are not from the mid-west and Canada whom are familiar with wheat fields or hay.

The local news has been reporting a high pollen count and that this year is especially bad for allergies. The weather this year has been overcast and humid which seems to trap particles in the air.

Relief is coming, the skies have cleared, and the farmers are harvesting.

Time to get out and ride again...

...but first I have to go mow the lawn.

à tout à l’heure


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